Membership renewals were due from 1st January 2024. Members need to present their swipe  membership cards with the £6.00 / £3.00 fee to the bar staff.

 The Club’s AGM took place on Wednesday 29 May at 7.00pm in the Club’s Main Function Room.  The Secretary read out the minutes of the previous AGM For 2023 which were accepted and duly signed by the Chairman. The Chairman, like the Secretary before thanked the Committee members and members for their on going support. Four Notice of Motion forms were on the table where all 4 were accepted after a brief discussion and a successful vote from a show of hands.

  Retiring President Mike Burton and Committee Members Royston Minton and Suzie Burton were voted back on to the committee with no other members having put up for election.

Saturday 17 February, BSC presented Broseley & Severn Gorge Community First Responders with a cheque for £1,685. This sum was raised over events and donations during 2023.

The photo shows Club Chairman Malcolm Richards presenting the cheque to First Responders Phil & Dave.

“This year’s chosen Charity is The Severn Hospice”.

The EURO 2024 began on Friday 14 June. Three Sets of 24 sealed envelopes, each containing a competing team were all taken from the bar at £5.00 each. Envelopes to be opened during the Final on Sunday 14 July. Winners to receive £60, Runner Ups - £40, Team scoring most goals - £10 and Team with most goals against - £10. The Club has experienced very busy trade during the England Games to date.

July 26 sees the start of the Olympic Games from Paris. These will be broadcast on terrestial TV.